Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I am approaching six months out of a single suitcase.

I packed it back in December and I packed it pretty well.

I saw warmer and I saw colder, I saw suits and I saw sweats.

I had no idea where I would live, who I would see, what I would really need but I packed it.

I have so very little in this world I thought I would mention the things that I have travelled with me this year, the small possessions that have made this rover home.


My grey wool coat. - Essential, as mother said - good coat and a nice hair cut makes a woman always ready.

Flops - stuffed rabbit, saved from a toy testing facility and certain death in 2007.

The green dress, I bought it for Marie Heberger's college graduation in 2007. I have worn it in over a dozen countries and lent it out over a dozen times. I will wear it this week to celebrate a person I love's 30th birthday. I paid too much for it when I bought it, more than $40.

Long beaded necklace made for me this past birthday by Mopsey Akey. She was the only one I trusted to tell it was my Birthday, she gave me a card written in Irish and the necklace she made me. It will forever be my reminder of turning 30, thanks Mopsey, I love it.

Teal hibiscus print L.L. Bean Bag given to me by my brother Peter something like a decade ago. Still holds the essentials, I lost count how may places I have dragged it.

Nelson Mandela book from Tim, one of the most thoughtful gifts I have ever received. It breaks my heart not to have my books with me here, but when you have one good book from a friend it fills the void of a missing library.

Mouthguard: fitted to my mouth in 2004 when I mysteriously became hyper insomniac and started terribly grinding my teeth during the night. Prevents migraines and has lasted longer than any relationship I have ever had.

Back Pack: purchased in 2006, I spent way too much on it but I love it. Yesterday it just summited Rag Top in the Shenandoah park. It has summited multiple high peaks - in more than one hemisphere. Best $50 bucks I ever spent.

Asics running shoes.

One pair of soft pink, leather upper/bottom, size 6B BLOCH ballet slippers.

One pashmina purchased in 2008 from street vendor in NYC Chinatown for $3. Beige paisley washed until soft.

One silk dress purchased in 2009 for a date. Red, brown and purple pattern trimmed in black lace. Also well traveled, climbed caldera in Greece, walked beach in Ecuador. The most comfortable thing that ever touches my skin.

Various Cotton; baby blanket, favorite hoodie, favorite scarf (LeAnn made me buy it years ago), favorite t shirts.

That's about it. I'm 30 and really that's it. I moved between temporary addresses a couple weeks ago and it took one trip to a car.

But the people. Last month my oldest friend stopped up for a visit. My sister and her family too. Sleeping in the rooms above me right now are some of the world's finest friends. Today I had in- person conversations with no less than three essential people in my life.

And that's all I need!


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