Most of all I am in debt to some of the most amazing teachers to ever stand in front of a class. At this very moment I am trying to deeply understand the laws of Torts for one such amazing woman.
Professor Cohen is a determined and passionate woman. Her toughness is a complement. She expects the best and the fact that she expects it makes me feel capable of it, that's a hell of a feeling. She pushes the class and never misses a beat. I respect her immensely. As overwhelmed as I am right now in the pursuit of not letting her down, I want to list a few of those teachers who I have adored.
It takes every drop of energy a person has to teach, I am in awe of the dedication. It has truly pushed me to many ends of effort. Thank you to those gifted souls who throughout my life did their best to save me from my own ignorance. Someday, I hope to make them proud. Education is dedication, at least that's what my father always said...
People who had no reason to care about me but did:
Mrs. Flynn (its ok to scream, let it out)
Miss Cavallaro (write what you are thinking everyday)
Miss Migon (science is cool, I should spend the rest of my life studying it)
Sr. Carla (Cuniform to long division, practice makes perfect)
Sr. Elish (patience is the only way to understand math)
Sr. Ann Kenyon (you're right, math matters)
Hermana Anna (gracias siempre)
SR. MARGARET PATRICK FAYE (yeah I love her, biology is what it is to me bc of her)
Mr. P (my coach forever)
Mrs. P*** (showed me Paris, merci Madamme P)
Rogers (No excuses)
Stobnicke (read it till it moves you)
FATHER DAN MUSCALINO (what is, is and cannot not be, agricola in agro est)
St. JoAnn (yeah, I think med school or law school for you, decide)
Dr. Westbay (Seminar, Seminar, Seminar)
Dr. Hurd (diffuse naiveté, its clear to me what you are capable of)
Dr. Hieu (if I met a year earlier I would have been a physics major)
Dr. Crombach (the chambered nautilus IS beautiful and Darwin IS amazing)
Father Graf (loss is a feeling defining love)
Dr. Seward (focus on science Mary, leave comm)
Dr. Massoud Miri (making organic chemistry make sense since the polymer uprising)
Dr. Juidiana Lawrence (don't just read it, analyze it)
Dr. Ball (I'll meet you at the Union for a beer, we'll talk careers)
Dr. Householder (get in the lab and stay there)
Dr. Sia (its just DNA manipulation, no big deal)
Dr. Tsubota (I can't believe what he could make me understand Dr. Epiphany is more like it)
Dr. Cooke (I stay current in science because of the joy she brought to it)
Dr. Margot Ip (a life devoted to curing cancer is a life well spent)
Prof. Bev Cohen and Prof. Dale Moore, I swear I won't let you down.
Thanks Mary - but now I'd probably say "run as far away from the lab as you can! : )